Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Couple T-shirts !

Though Malaysia is not such a fancy place or is not really ideal for living but sometimes you can find some stuffs here that nobody has seen ever ! especially clothes , fashion and etc .
Graffitee is one of the clothes brands based in Malaysia and 2 Chinese guys design the real fashion t-shirts and stuffs ! they're awesome . . . if you're interested , i can buy some for you and send them to you :D lol check out the website . . .

* Check out these Couple T-shirts ! aren't they amazing ??!!!

P.S : Anybody has some ideas for some good movies ?!! just some good movies ! cheers :D


  1. Try watching Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist. Or Transformers. They're both awesome! I want those shirts lol

  2. Oh yeah...college, how is it? I have a couple tests tomorrow. I'm freaking out! Transformers the cartoon is stupid but the actual movie is good! I liked it. :)
